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The Weekly Word from Dr. Dowe: Transformation

Bible Text

“For the Lord is the Spirit and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, THERE IS FREEDOM…and for us who have had that veil removed can see and the glory of the Lord is reflected off us…and the Lord – who is the Spirit – makes us more and more like Him as we change into His glorious way.”

2 Corinthians 3:17–18

Transformation (The Holy Spirit Gives New Life)

As we study God’s word daily, we are nourished, we grow and mature (the process where our veil is removed). We don’t and neither want to do things we used to do. During this growth, we are exposed to the Mind of God. By gazing at the nature of God with unveiled minds, we can be more like Him. It is the Holy Spirit that brings about this transformational change.

The Holy Spirit was present at the creating of the world, and He is the power behind the rebirth of each Christian, the power that helps us live Christian lives, the power that transforms us to the more Christ-like. Trusting Him allows us to remove our burdens, remove our guilt of failing and live in the freedom that says “by His stripes He was whipped so we could be healed” (Isaiah 53:5)

God keeps His promises toward YOU! Who has believed our message? Do you?

What scripture can you share with others today?

Be Healed,

Dr. Jessica Dowe


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...Be confident that when comments are made I tell everyone that Dr. Dowe's weight management program is the basis of my success in taking charge of my health. THANK YOU... - Katherine 

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