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Cry on the one Hand, Rejoice on the other Hand


Title: Cry on the one Hand, Rejoice on the other Hand 5/28/2017

“Those who plant in tears will harvest with shouts of joy, they weep as they go to plant their seed, but they sing as they return with the harvest!” Psalm126:1-6 (NLT)

Collectively Psalms 120-134 were are called “the Song of Ascents” and Psalms 126 is the 7th of the 15th. They were sung from memory as pilgrims ascended towards Jerusalem for three worship festivals (Passover, Pentecost, and Sukkot) as described in

Deuteronomy 16. Eugene Peterson describes these Psalms as “songs for the road”. As an entrepreneur, owner of a private medical practice ran by a physician, nurse practitioners, and ancillary staff, I can relate to Mr. Peterson; for the road has not been easy. Many of you can say, Life is never easy when experiencing something new; to see visions come true while struggling; to walk in darkness when God enters at the lowest point; when you thought you can’t take one more day only to be restored by the Grace of God, and then you Cry on One Hand and Rejoice on the Other Hand! Oh, but the Grace of God! Indeed we are people on a Journey!

What road in life are you travelling now? Have you been praying about the travails along this road? Could these motions along the road represent a deeper story of a Christian life, a deeper relationship with God?

Pilgrims believed that a journey itself has deeper meaning than just a route. Today, a harmful assumption is that things must be now for them to be right. I must continue to remind myself that it takes at least 6 or more years for a new medical practice to be stable, including stable staff. William Faulkner excellently described it this way: “we are not Monuments but Footprints. A Monument simply says ‘At least I got this far’, while a footprint says ‘This is where I was when I moved again’. In our digital world we want God to move like a Thunderbolt rather than a ripe Vine; like quick, today without delay. However, in my experience the Christian life is Steady, Slow and Sure-like Christ’s vine rather than a quick, flashing lightning.

So, as we walk this life, Count on your memories, count your blessings one by one so you can get through, remember to pray and humble yourselves under the might arms of God, Although, we will have dark days, God is Faithful! Although some things are meant to be quick, like weight loss, the steady walk in weight-loss maintenance is to be faithful.

Med-Life-Fit Medical Clinics wants to encourage anyone who feels stuck, who feels at their rope end, who feels at a standstill, lost and confused; May Psalm 126 surge inspiration into you.

“And let us not go weary in well doing: for in due season, we shall reap, if we faint not” Galatians 6:9

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