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Word of the Week


Title: Remember, “The WORD” 4/18/2017

“Then Jesus said to them, “You foolish people! You find it so hard to believe all that the prophets wrote in the scriptures…Then Jesus took them through the writings of Moses and all the prophets explaining from all the scriptures the things concerning himself…They were nearing Emmaus and begged Jesus to go home with them (in fellowship)…Jesus took the bread (The WORD), blessed it and gave it to them…Suddenly their eyes were open!” Luke 24:25-31 (NLT)

The WORD FOR THE WEEK features The Gospel of Luke, who was a great physician, a Greek citizen and a Gentile Christian. This writing occurred about 60 years after the death of Jesus, The Christ.

Luke wanted the entire Greek-speaking world to know Christ’s message of God’s love and forgiveness. He wanted people to know the authentic reason the divine God sent himself in the human form of Christ; was to redeem people from sin. God knew the only way to accomplish this great offering of love was to allow Christ to die (with all sin) and to live again (with all victory over death) so that we too (meaning all Christians) would live eternally with God. This Resurrection Love story is celebrated this weekend all over the world. You would think that this captivation for over 2,000 years that has change lives, been witnessed by countless other believers, prophesied and written in several documented references, would stop doubt!

There are 3 stories in Luke Chapter 24.

1. The Women went to the Tomb where Jesus rises from the dead,

2. Two Men on the road to Emmaus,

3. The Disciples spent 40 days with Jesus after his death (in an immortal state) between his resurrection and his ascension to heaven. (1 Corinthians15:42-50)

A common observation in all 3 stories is their lack of knowing what was written in scripture and “The WORD”. For example, in Luke 24:13, two men were returning to Emmaus when Jesus suddenly was walking with them. They were too disappointed, sad, and frustrated, so they did not recognize Jesus was walking and talking with them. Also, they were walking away from fellowship with other believers in Jerusalem (i.e. they skipped out of going to church). The women cited at the tomb had issues, so did the disciples; neither recognize Jesus at first. Jesus met them all where they were by taking them to “The WORD” and scriptures. To find answers to our questions, we can turn to “The WORD & other believers who know the bible and wisdom to apply when we don’t understand scripture. Suddenly, your eyes will open too.

Med-Life-Fit encourages you to slow down and prioritize the importance of spiritual behavior. Jesus died yet is ALIVE! We have the victory. Remember reading “The WORD” daily.


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