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Motivational Monday's: Dedication Equals Success! A Personal Weight Loss Story.

“A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work.” ~ Colin Powel

Picturered in this week's blog is real-life story about determination and dedication.

This Med-Life-Fit patient committed to changing her life and wanted to live healthier! This Med-Life-Fit patient is the example of hard work, dedication and determination over the past few months. Not only has this Med-Life-Fit patient changed her nutrition habits for the better, but she has increased her fitness level by committing to exercise daily; she has also started her own walking group at her workplace.

At Med-Life-Fit we hope this inspires and encourages you today and know that YOU CAN DO IT TOO!

Below are three things that can help you get on the right track to a healthier lifestyle!

1. Be determined to go and get what you want and deserve!

2. Don’t let defeat, determine your outcome!

3. Define your goals, determine your process and GET IT DONE!

If you are interested in how Dr. Dowe and Med-Life-Fit Staff can help you live healthier give us a call at 502-276-4706 or TOMORROW, November 17th at 6:30, Dr. Dowe will host a FREE seminar about Med-Life-Fit's Weight Management program.

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...Be confident that when comments are made I tell everyone that Dr. Dowe's weight management program is the basis of my success in taking charge of my health. THANK YOU... - Katherine 

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