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FOOL-ing or FOLLOW-ing


Title: FOOL-ing or FOLLOW-ing 5/7/2017

“But don’t just listen to God’s Word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves.” James 1:22 (NLT)

Today’s WORD FOR THE WEEK features the writings of Jesus’ half-brother James, who was a leader in the Jerusalem church probably about 49 years after the death of Jesus Christ. During this time Christians were scattered throughout Europe and the Roman world. The calling upon James’ life during this time was to write this letter to help encourage the Christians in their faith against persecutions. Christians were readily killed. James wanted believers to not only hear the truth in God’s Word but to also put it into actions. Christians make great claims but are often guilty of clinging to the world and its values; possessing all the right answers, they contradict the gospel with their way of living. This was Derby week. How did you live it? Did you invite God in?

Are u FOOL-ING OR Are u FOLLOW-ing?

Believers know that they have dignity; after all, God sent His son to die on the cross for all our sins. It’s easy to blame others and make excuses for evil thoughts and actions of sins. James encourages us to see beyond our faults and sins, not to ignore them, but see beyond them to our eternal advantages. We should ask God for forgiveness sincerely then, Thank Him for His grace and mercy; Then, move closer toward Him with a healthier relationship. James advises and teaches us to get rid of all that is wrong in our lives. The proceeding context in James 1 erupts when a person’s ego is hurt or bruised. We should not become angry, offended nor neglected when we fail to win an argument. We can humbly accept the salvation message we have received through the message of Jesus Christ; Saved by God’s grace. Of course we are free to live as God has created us to live, but this does not mean that we are free to do as we please. We are free to obey God and do what His Holy Word says.

We at Med Life Fit encourages you to continue to read your WORD daily and don’t just read it, listen to it and let the Spirit guide you into all Truth by living it daily. The effectiveness is displayed in the life that you live daily!

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