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Keep Kingdom Focused

THE WORD FOR THE WEEK- Keep Kingdom Focused May 1, 2017

“At that time, the Spirit of the Lord will come powerfully upon you and you will prophesy…You will be changed into a different person…Do what must be done for God is with you…As Saul turned to leave, God gave him a new heart and all of Samuel’s signs were fulfilled that day…then Saul began to prophesy.” 1Samuel 10:5-11 (NLT)

The Word this week highlights the period 1045 years before the birth of Jesus Christ. It was a time that the people rejected God as their leader and wanted a human leader. The people were divided into 12 Tribes each with a different leader and territory and they could not get along. They hoped one managerial leader would unite them all. The people wanted mostly to be like the surrounding people but that was exactly what GOD DID NOT want because it would make them have PRIDE in themselves and forget God was their real leader. They wanted to run things through their own abilities and strengths and not God’s strength. The people clamored for a King. They thought that by having their own King it would bring about a change in the nation. But what they had not considered deeply enough was…Could I be wrong? Am I being disobedient in some way? Am I being pulled away from what God says rather than making bad choices based on poor values of friends? Are my choices negatively affecting my family? Had the submitted to God’s leadership, they would have flourished beyond measures. Their basic problem was disobedience to God. They needed a unified FAITH and not a uniform RULE.

The people of Israel could have these covenant blessings by being obedient and today, we can too!

If you obey the Lord your God and carefully keep his commands, you will experience all these blessings:

1. Your occupations and your cities will be blessed

2. Your children and your crops will be blessed

3. Your productions and cash of goods will be blessed

4. Your foods, fruits, and breads will be blessed

5. Wherever you go and whatever you do, will be blessed! The Lord will conquer enemies when they attack you

Fast forward, Saul was predicted to be the Israelites new King by prophesy through Samuel, the last of the Judges. But, Saul did not want the responsibility God had given him. The Holy Spirit gives persons power to do God’s wishes but it may not produce the other Spirits of the Spirit like self-control. And, as his power grew, so did his pride. After a while he refused to further seek God and he failed later in life.

We at Med-Life-Fit encourage you to keep with your plan. Be obedient to do the right things. Pray ceaselessly, be humble, Stay close to God and He will stay close to you.

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