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The Weekly Word with Dr. Dowe: The Wilderness

Girl Going to Church

“But He led his people like a flock of sheep, guiding them safely through…He kept them safe so they were not afraid...He brought them to his holy landing place…He settled them into their homes…..But all they did was give him lip service, lied with their tongues…their hearts were not loyal to God..” (NLT)

Psalms 78:36-55

Title: What do you do in the Wilderness?

Wilderness experiences include injustices, disasters, untruth, resisting gluttonies, loneliness, divorces, wayward kids, cancer or other medical illnesses and so on.

Although David was a king occupying the throne during this writing in Psalms, he was called out from shepherding sheep when he was younger. Shepherding was a common and highly responsible job. In this position, David had to bear at all times the guidance, provision, and protection of all his sheep. Yet, scripture never tells us how David complained one bit, but it does tell us how David pressed through. This was a training ground for the future responsibilities God had in store for him. When David was ready, God took him from tending sheep to taking care of the Israeli people. Is this your time?

Med-Life-Fit wants to encourage you to not treat your present situation lightly and irresponsible. Who knows, your present situation (even if it is just resisting carbs) may be training you for higher responsibilities.

“What Satan intended to harm me, But God intended it all for good” Gensis 50:20

You just hold on, don’t quit…Tell Satan, get behind me….Help is on the way!

Be Healded and Be Blessed,

Dr. Dowe


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...Be confident that when comments are made I tell everyone that Dr. Dowe's weight management program is the basis of my success in taking charge of my health. THANK YOU... - Katherine 

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