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The Weekly Word with Dr. Dowe: Standing on God's Promises

"Drink from the Kerith Brook and eat what the ravens bring you, says the Lord, for I commanded them to bring you food." (NLT)

1 Kings 17:3

"But, Elijah said to her, Bring me Drink...Don't be afraid! Go ahdead and do just what you've said, but make a little food for me first. Then, use what's left to prepare a meal for yourself and your son." (NLT)

1 Kings 17:10-13

Title: Standing on God's Promises when No Drink or Food is Left

The once large nation of Israel was divided into the Northern Tribe of Israel and the Southern Tribe of Judah. During this time, the King in Israel was Ahab and the Prophet was Elijah. The people of Israel were full of wickedness, served idol gods and led by unwise political leaders. God does and will respond to evil in his timing. King Ahab did more to provoke the Lord's anger than any other king before him. But, Elijah had a commitment so strong to the Lord, and saw many mircles, he challenges us to be able to know God. Elijah confronted King Ahab predicting no rain or dew would fall for three years, hence threatening crops, ect. Then the Lord told the prophet Elijah to go east and hide by the Kerith Brook which provided his water and birds brought him food twice a day.

But the Brook dried up because of the drought. Elijah was obedient and stood on God's promises. He was thankful for the drink and food in the drought. Then, the Lord told him to go to a village of Zarephath. There a widow and son would feed him and gave him a place to say, even though the entire region was in a drought!

Elijah goes to the widow thinking to bless her, interestingly he got blessed. Elijah again saw how God still performs miracles. He can still perform a miracle in YOU! The widow was enouraged by Elijah's faith, and God's faithfullness to him. She could see how God's promises turn into assurances. Elijah, the widow, and her family always had enough food just as the Lord promised!

We here a Med-Life-Fit want to encourage you;

like it says in Mark 9:23, "If you can believe, anything is possible if a person believes." Come to group and learn a new LIFESYLE CHANGE behavior.

Be Obedient, Be Healed and Be Blessed,

Dr. Dowe


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