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The Weekly Word with Dr. Dowe: Be a Blessing to Others

“Now Elijah told King Ahab, the God I serve says there will be no rain…Then God told Elijah to go by Keith Brook and drink and eat what the birds bring you...Later...the widow of Zarephath’s son became ill and died. She told Elijah, “O man of God, have you pointed out my sins and killed my son?"

-1 King 17:1-18

Elijah was a prophet that lived during a time where no faithful King or Priest lived to bring ‘The Word of GOD’ to the people. Although no Facebook or Internet was available, the people continually promoted sexually immortality, spiritual decline and worship of idol gods, like Baal. King Ahab, an evil King, particularly pushed the worship of Baal because he believed it brought rain and bountiful harvests. Elijah, a good prophet, took a stand for the Lord. He accepted the call to try to rescue the people from its moral and spiritual decline. In the scripture above it goes on to tell of several of Elijah’s victories with the Lord. Elijah prayed over the widow’s son and the child’s life returned to him. He went on to the contest on Mt Carmel and defeated Baal, and Jezebel’s evil prophets with the Lord as his helper (1 King 18:1-40). But, evil will fight back when you do well. Soon, Jezebel threatened to kill Elijah. He ran away, became depressed, weary, isolated himself and sought darkness rather than light. Elijah forgot after his victories and that others had remained faithful during the nation’s wickedness (1 King 19:1-18).

We, at Med-Life-Fit encourage you when you are discourage to BLESS someone else. Seek out a “Widow of Zarephath” and remember you can’t hide from “evil King Ahabs”. Take the focus off you and with intent, schedule yourself, and write it on your calendars to visit or telephone someone in need when you feel down. Don’t forget ur succeses.

Also remember, you can come to the Behavioral Change Groups as long as you are a member of the practice whether a Family Practice patient or a Lifestyle Practice patient. We have a blast!

THE FREE EDUCATIONAL SEMINAR IS THIS 9/15/2015 TUESDAY AT 6:30 PM FREE TO EVERYONE!! Held in Louisville office only!

“So lets not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time you will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.”

-Galatians 6:9

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...Be confident that when comments are made I tell everyone that Dr. Dowe's weight management program is the basis of my success in taking charge of my health. THANK YOU... - Katherine 

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