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The Weekly Word with Dr. Dowe: Worship

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord…The whole earth is filled with his glory...Yet, I am doomed, for I am a sinful person…Yet, my guilt is removed, and my sins are forgiven - Isaiah 6:1-7 NLT

When we are asked why we worship God, our answers are typically vague and superficial-not really heartfelt. Often, we take worship for granted and lack the recognition of who God really is and His existence as Spirit and Truth. Typically, we answer the question “Why worship?” by answering, “He is our creator thus, we should submit and worship”. This answer is true and a place to start but worship is so much more. Worship is first and foremost an attitude of deep respect, a matter that flows from the heart, it’s adoration, and reverence. Second, God himself initiates Worship in the heart and we react to His insertion of Himself into our lives by responding through worship. God commands us to worship. We are born to worship. Is it possible we can worship wrongly or the wrong thing?

In Matthew 4:10, it says “Thou shall worship the Lord thy God, and only Him shall you serve."

So, how do you know if you are truly worshipping? Is it possible we never considered basic concepts about worship? Is it important to you to have an authentic relationship with God? Or, are you going through daily routines without knowing if you are truly worshipping God the right way?

Find a good bible teaching church to explain the true nature and character of God. Isaiah above tells us: ‘God is holy’ ‘God is merciful’ ‘God is a God of steadfast love’; These are reasons enough to worship!

“He breaks you; he remakes you, but never throws you laway”

Med Life Fit is a comprehensive LIFESTYLE Primary Care Practice that believes healthcare begins at the heart. Your healing is our FOCUS. In addition to Primary care, we offer behavioral-change group classes, and Teaching Kitchen classes in evenings. Check out the monthly calendar at

Be Healed, Be Blessed


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...Be confident that when comments are made I tell everyone that Dr. Dowe's weight management program is the basis of my success in taking charge of my health. THANK YOU... - Katherine 

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