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The Weekly Word with Dr. Dowe: Are You Confused about the Church?

All praise to God…who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing…For He raised us from the dead along with Christ and seated us with Him in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ Jesus…Therefore…beg you to lead (walk) a life worthy of your calling for you have been called by God…A final word: Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil

Ephesians1:3; 2:6; 4:1 (NLT)

The accurate account of the birth of the Christian Church was written by a Christian physician named Luke in the bible. In Acts he wrote how the early Christians were empowered to tell everyone about Jesus. Because Jesus lived in their hearts, they were called, the church. The church is not a “building”. So, our responsibility as the Christian church is the same today. Yet, it is a process. Consider: Story of movements in an infant compared to Christian’s movement in Christ.

Babies usually progress in movement through the SIT-STAND-WALK cycle of development. A child who sits well is able to move while sitting. The infant will shift her weight on the sitting bones and yet rises the trunk up vertically while keeping balanced. Sitting well allows less effort, less exhaustion and better balance. Usually an infant will try standing at the sitting stage. They will pull themselves up to stand, yet move with legs far apart, keeping their balance by holding their arms like a tight-rope to walk. This cycle usually occurs around the 12- 24 months mark.Could it be that the Christian Church is losing their movement because we’re trying to stand before we sit with Christ? According to Watchman Nee, the Christian experience begins with sitting then leads to walking but is in contrast to the infant scenario above. We learn to stand last!. The progression in the Christian faith is SIT-WALK then STAND. But YOU must want to grow in a relationship with God. First, we can learn to sit-REST IN HIM, read the Holy WORD daily since we are united with Him. Second, we can walk out our lives worthy on the principles of God. How do you walk? Ephesians 4:2-3 says, “Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowances for faults because of our love; making every effort to unite ourselves in the Spirit (attend regular Bible study).

Third, learn to know how to stand before the enemy, who may test you today. Each of us must be prepared for conflict. Read Ephesians 6:13-17 to learn to stand against conflict and troubles.

At Med-Life-Fit, we faithfully displayed the WORD FOR THE DAY weekly. By focusing on your inner spirit, you can evaluate your current spiritual discipline. God heals through the heart. This blessing is a cornerstone to help change your Lifestyle and decrease diseases.

Be Healthy and Be Happy,


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